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Being Better followers of Jesus


Life is hard, but doing life together is better.

We have variety of life groups that are intended to be just that, groups that do life together. The majority of these groups are "sermon based groups." Simply, each group discusses various aspects of the sermon preached the previous Sunday and interacts with the text that was preached. 


The goal of each group is to encourage each other, care for each other, and to go deeper into the Word with each other.  We do life together.


Our Life Groups meet at different times throughout the week.  Some meet at the church campus and others in homes.  Each Life Group provides the opportunity for Bible study and discussion, connections with one another, and the opportunity to do a service project together or some form of outreach as each group is equipped to do. Any adult is welcome to join in a Life Group.  Contact the church office or stop by the "Welcome Center" in the foyer to find out more about our current groups.


Children and families are very important to the Cornerstone church family. We offer resources to help parents in raising their children in the truth of God's Word in the home. We also offer positive ministries and church activities to engage children into the church family.


During the Sunday worship gathering children's ministry programs are offered for Toddler thru 5th grade. Parents must check in their child at the station in the inner foyer before the service and pick their child up at the classroom at the end of the service. A child check-in system is used for the safety of the kids.


Middle School and High School students are amazing people who face amazing challenges and opportunities at their age. We want to support parents the best we can with students, and directly pour into the lives of the students to celebrate them making decisions for Christ and for God's Kingdom work. We promote activities, retreats, camps and service projects that help accomplish that mission and provide for a great experience for young people to be a part of the church.


These students are welcomed to join in a class during part of the 10:30 AM Sunday gathering. Students should first go to the Worship Center for the time of worship and communion, then meet Todd in the foyer after communion time to go up to Rooms 302-303 for youth class. We cover the same study that is presented in the weekly sermon series.

Sunday nights are Youth Group nights for middle and high school students. We meet at the church campus from 6-7:30 PM, unless there are other off campus events planned.​​

Contact Us
Connect with us

2395 West High Street

Jackson, MI 49203


Church Campus Office

Open Monday-Wednesday

9 AM - 3 PM

Sunday Mornings at 10:30 AM

Cornerstone christian church

© 2023 Cornerstone Christian Church, Jackson, Michigan

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